When it first came to this brief, I really didn’t know where to start. I found it difficult to research people who influence my photography ideas of home since I feel like everyone has their own individual view of their home. Therefore in this section of the blog I will simply be discussing my idea for this project.
My first idea for this project was a long exposure shot of my family in our kitchen showing them cleaning or making food. I thought that this shot would be very visually appealing at the audience would want to follow the movements of the people and make their own conclusions about what they were doing. However when it came to actually creating this image, there were some issues which made me abandon the idea. The first issue was the actual movement trail of the picture. When I looked back on the images it became apparent that the trail left behind was very messy and even though I had set the shutter speed to the lowest I could, it was still difficult to understand what was going on in the picture and was a confusing image to view therefore I decided that I would abandon this idea and move onto ideas that I felt were more attractive for the viewer while still reminding me of home.
The next idea I had was taking an image of the number of my house with different depths of field since it is surrounded by flowers. I had this idea because I remembered when I was younger we always got asked in school where we lived because they said if we got lost we could find our way home with our address and from that day on I learnt my address off by heart every time I moved since I always wanted to find my way back to my family. For this picture I definitely wanted to play around with depths of field as I thought it would really make the difference in making the picture more visually attractive.
My next idea was to take an image of my family photos which hang at the top of my staircase. The story behind these pictures was that we had them taken for my mums 40th birthday party which was a key birthday in her life. In these picture we each had our own individual portrait, my parents had a few shots together, there was some photos of me and my brother and our dog at the time together and then we had family shots taken. I have to say I already really liked the images in the actual photos so I thought this image would be a great one as it first and foremost showed my family for what it was.
Another idea of mine was to take a picture of my dog. We have a 1 year old German Shepherd puppy who plays a big role in everyones lives. My dog has helped me with my mental health issues, he has helped my mother with stress, my brother with relationships (he suffers from Aspergers) and also by allowing us all to go out together more to walk and play with him. I was unsure of what kind of picture of him I wanted but I knew that I wanted it showing his eyes because when I look at them when I’m having a anxiety attack, I feel a sense of peace and start to relax.
As I first stated it was quite difficult to come up with ideas for this project as everyone has their own view of home, therefore something that could instantly remind me of home could be confusing for someone else thus I decided that I would create images that could still be understood by people viewing them that my pictures were meant to represent my home.
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